

Welcome to the website and occasional blog of South Australian writer, Graham Catt. The site contains samples of Graham’s poetry and prose, as well as details of his publications and galleries of his photographic images.

He has also added a page devoted to Animal Welfare and Conservation issues which provides easy access to some of the most important organisations working in the world today.

This website was formerly Graham’s blog NAUSEA, which published between 2006 and 2013. The blog entries are still available under ‘Blog‘ in the main menu, and include music and film reviews, personal observations and general whining, comic pieces, and guest poets, including Jill Gower, Kim Mann and Michael Kingsbury.

New blog entries will be added from time-to-time.

Graham can be contacted at grahamcatt@internode.on.net for general enquiries, complaints or unusual propositions.

Processed with Snapseed.


What’s on the car stereo and why should we care?

An endless mix of funk, soul and disco…